Can I exercise away my pain?

The patient says to the doctor, "I just need to exercise more. That'll fix my problem. I don't need treatment here, I need to get to the gym!"

We all know that exercise is one of the most important things we must do for our health. That, along with healthy nutrition, stress reduction and rest are essential parts of our lives.

While exercise is essential, unfortunately it can't cure all types of pain. Some forms of minor joint pain can be helped with mild exercise. However, if any joint in the body is misaligned (even slightly) it will cause uneven wear and tear. This will almost always lead to pain in the area.

For various reasons our joints can also become "stuck". In other words, they can't move through their entire range of motion or they won't move at all! When this occurs the affected joints can't get their nutrients! They starve and die in the form of painful osteoarthritis. An example of this would be the dreaded Frozen Shoulder Syndrome. It's probably most common in the spinal joints.

Modern chiropractic can restore normal motion to your joints and realign them too!

So call for your complimentary consultation now.

In Health,

Dr. Glen Cauble
